
We all should probably know how Facebook makes their money by now and actually if one is a bot your value is around $100 and if you are a “techno serf” in other words a human on Facebook, then you have a value of 1-2 cents.  How do you feel after reading this…

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With all the fuss over the fake Facebook Science, maybe time to recommend a book and I have not read it yet but it’s on my list as “Numbers Don’t Lie, But People Do”–Radio Interview from Charles Siefe–Journalists Take Note, He Addresses How Marketing And Bogu…

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What a week it has been so far as well as last week as well.  It is worrisome as to what the American Public perceives today as a “real” value and it’s not their fault for the “Perception-Deception” mania that is filling the news waves and causing folks to cr…

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With all the talk about Facebook and their so called study, which was really just a data scientist who in my opinion got a little full of himself and wanted recognition…today’s a good day to look at the other side…what does a programmer say…I love the name of…

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