
So let’s get down to what’s really happening here.  Once upon a time the PBM models were a different type of creature but as time moved on they became less about a better and affordable price for prescriptions and more about and algorithmic machine to create …

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You know they are going to use these flawed medication adherence scores to determine who gets what with medications.  This is horrifically flawed.  Regulation won’t work and CMS should work towards getting lower drug prices instead of this model that comes ba…

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You may or may not be aware of what’s going on with Big Data here but in China this is the deal, a Citizen Score that will determine everyone’s worth by using all sources of data available.  So this is happening only in China? Wrong..we have Excess Scoring fo…

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One thing we all hate is the high prices we pay in the US today for our prescriptions.  Sure we do get some discounts, but that too has become an effort in algorithmic shopping to click here and click there to get the best price.  It shouldn’t have to be that…

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If you read here often enough then you know I address this topic from time to time as companies and people do cheat with their software.  If you watch the markets you see folks like Nanex post charts every day giving out visuals on where the cheating is.  Un…

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When IBMWatson first came out I thought it was great and still do for cancer research and other areas requiring deep data mining to find cures, but this, with “excess scoring” and selling of data mining has reached the limit.  If you read the article they don…

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