
It just doesn’t stop with “The Grays” which is what I call the syndrome of those who confuse virtual world values with the real world.  This has been building and building for a long time and now it’s gone to being ridiculous.  We had the scorning tone of the…

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If you read here often enough then you know I address this topic from time to time as companies and people do cheat with their software.  If you watch the markets you see folks like Nanex post charts every day giving out visuals on where the cheating is.  Un…

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I swear anymore with some of the news we read people have really fallen into this Sebelius Syndrome of perceptions that are just not true.  Of course the press feeds this too as of late some of their perceptions and articles (and not all as there’s a ton of g…

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What’s the matter with people anymore with being stuck in stat rat world?  Do they think an obese person is going to look at this as something positive?  With as bad as companies have been today with little concern for the people they employ at times (and thi…

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What a week it has been so far as well as last week as well.  It is worrisome as to what the American Public perceives today as a “real” value and it’s not their fault for the “Perception-Deception” mania that is filling the news waves and causing folks to cr…

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We all should probably know how Facebook makes their money by now and actually if one is a bot your value is around $100 and if you are a “techno serf” in other words a human on Facebook, then you have a value of 1-2 cents.  How do you feel after reading this…

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