
It’s been a while since I hit this one but since last time, of course, things are getting worse out there.  With prediction tools and apps being all the rage today, their reliability and accuracy are not always there.  Before the word “prediction” took over, …

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I have been watching this somewhat “stupid” scenario for about 3 years now.  Oh you see all sides of it and banks, companies, insurers snaking around the fact that they buy and sell your data with or without your permission.  It’s getting old with the non dat…

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Heck Acxiom and LexisNexis will do anything to make a buck and just make our lives miserable.  So now it sounds like they have hospitals convinced they need this data as well.  It’s bad enough with insurers for goodness sakes with all their data analytics and…

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As this article states though there’s no concrete evidence or documentation thus far of any meetings but I think I can safely say one thing here and that’s the fact that even Apple is not sure which direction they are going with all of this.  It’s kind o f re…

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It’s funny all kinds of privacy information all over the web and again I’m insistent that we need to license all data sellers as we don’t know who they all are to regulate and we have no index so government and everyone else is just spinning their wheels with…

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We all should probably know how Facebook makes their money by now and actually if one is a bot your value is around $100 and if you are a “techno serf” in other words a human on Facebook, then you have a value of 1-2 cents.  How do you feel after reading this…

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