
What’s the matter with people anymore with being stuck in stat rat world?  Do they think an obese person is going to look at this as something positive?  With as bad as companies have been today with little concern for the people they employ at times (and thi…

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We have seen obesity all over the map from the recent errors at CDC on their website to tons of people who love to make infographics to show us where all the fat people are in the US.  I hate those infographics as they don’t do anything other than let the cre…

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So how long are we going to be distracted and hang on to this error?  For goodness sakes when you errors at such if people had any data mechanics logic they would understand that an error of such is common as  the queries require a long process with analytics…

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I’ve complained about this here and there but this takes the hat.  When you dump out $12 million and on top of that get $7 Million from the NIH for software that is so Orwellian in nature, it’s time to speak up.  This is software you would not even wish on yo…

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Well it’s time for a rant and discussion on this topic and to try and take a look at the entire scenario.  We read every day about “patient engagement” and sure doctors and patients are still engaging with each other but not using the virtual model that our g…

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Alere is a consumer and professional medical diagnostic products maker and Optum will buy Alere Health and all of it’s subsidiaries to add to the army of subsidiaries Optum/United already owns.  United Healthcare has been hiding in plain sight for years scoop…

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