
One thing I think that can safely be said is Andy Slavitt, a one time Goldman Sachs banker and United Healthcare Subsidiary CEO of Ingenix who tons of folks sued for flawed calculating algorithms on short payments on claims is trying to divert some attention …

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We know Optum Labs is there to make money, selling slots to drug, device companies and others to have the “use” of mining their data.  So far all we have had of any significance reported is the same thing Kaiser reported from their registry information on hip…

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There’s been quite a bit about Meaningful Use Stage Three and other items related to Medicare Reporting.  The problem is the model broke and humans can’t keep up with the complexities that the “non data mechanics capable” folks seems to think are attainable. …

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Everyone now has made the big change to convert from ICD9 to ICD10 Coding for medical billing.  When all of this was taking place, many said it would really not improve care and so far, that’s what we have seen.  The big coding change has not any impact in th…

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